We produced the opening for the South Korean variety show "Jinny's Kitchen 2." The main actors appearing in the program were characterized, and the actual filming location in Iceland, along with the settings of the episodes, were designed. The program, which introduces Korean food to an international audience, was created with a warm and pleasant mood.
대한민국 예능 프로그램 '서진이네2'의 오프닝을 제작했습니다. 프로그램에 출연하는 메인 배우를 캐릭터화 하고, 실제 촬영 장소인 아이슬란드의 풍경과 에피소드가 벌어지는 공간을 디자인했습니다. 대한민국의 음식을 해외에 소개하는 프로그램으로 정겹고 기분 좋은 무드로 제작되었습니다.


Plan & Storyboard: Kim youngmin
Character Animation: Park Eunmin
Motion design: Park Eunmin
Asset design: Park Eunmin
Logo design: Studio Oeju
Character Animation: Park Eunmin
Motion design: Park Eunmin
Asset design: Park Eunmin
Logo design: Studio Oeju
Client: ENA
Production: Studio Oeju
Creative Director: Kim Youngmin
Production: Studio Oeju
Creative Director: Kim Youngmin